For any law student, getting the right internship can make their career, but that requires handling each day in the internship carefully. Even a small mistake in protocol or professionalism can adversely affect your future in the legal field. Even if you don’t lose your internship, a bad mistake can follow you throughout your professional life. Here are a few tips to help you avoid that situation.

It’s Never Too Soon to Network

As soon as you start law school, you should begin networking with others in the legal field. In addition to getting to know your classmates, take the time to get on good terms with your professors and instructors. You never know when you may need a former instructor to provide you with a glowing letter of recommendation. You should also network with professionals outside of school. For example, use social media to connect with legal professionals in your area or join a country club that you know is a favorite in the legal community.

Prepare For the Interview

Once you get an interview for an internship, make sure you arrive well prepared. This should involve practicing your answers to common questions as you sit in front of a mirror. Additionally, try on the outfit you’ll wear to make sure it still fits properly. If it does, wash it and press it before setting it aside. If it doesn’t fit quite right, buy something new. This will be an investment in your future. Finally, do some research about the law firm and its managing partners. The more you know about the firm, the easier it will be for you to leave a positive impression.

Getting Started

There are a few things to remember as you get started with your law internship. This all comes down to maintaining a professional demeanor, so be sure to use formal names and remember your manners. This includes using formal headings in emails, always arriving at meetings on time, and knowing how to take criticism well. When you can act with dignity and grace, you’ll earn a better reputation for yourself from the start.

You’ll also learn how to conduct yourself in your internship by observing others in the firm. Company culture plays a large part in any career field, so you should pay close attention to how the people in your firm interact with one another. That can help you adjust to your role as an intern with greater success.